Pablo Picasso Clown (1961)

  • Signed and limited Edition by Mourlot
  • Colourful clown - Created for the 1961 Nice Carnival
  • Most important artist of the 20th century - classical modernism


  • The artwork is available immediately and can be viewed at any time in our gallery.
  • Ready for shipment within 2 days.
  • Free shipping within Germany.
Product number: 36014
Category Grafik
artist Picasso, Pablo
year 1961
Title Clown
size 1 Motif 64,5 x 49,5 cm
Sheet: 65,5 x 51,2 cm
material Colour lithograph on Arches wove paper
edition 200 copies, here No. 145
signature Signed and dated in the print upper right: Picasso 20.1.61Numbered in pencil lower left: 145/200Signed in pencil at lower right: Picasso
publication vgl. The Picasso Project (2002). Picasso’s Paintings, Watercolors, Drawings and Sculpture. The Sixties I 1960-1963. San Francisco: Alan Wofsy Fine Arts, Nr. 61-012
Provenance Private collection Germany
The Print is in a good condition
Traces of light. Remnants of previous mounting in margin and verso. Size comparison with framing suggestion. Offer without frame - we will be happy to advise you after the purchase and arrange for professional framing

Pablo Picasso - mit richtigem Namen Pablo Ruiz y Picasso - wurde 1881 in Málaga/ Spanien geboren. Der spanische Maler, Grafiker und Bildhauer gilt als einer bedeutendsten Künstler des 20. Jahrhunderts.

Sein Œuvre besticht durch eine Vielfalt an künstlerischen Ausdrucksformen von klassischen bis abstrakten Darstellungen und umfasst Gemälde, Zeichnungen, Grafiken, Plastikenund Keramiken. Sein künstlerisches Schaffen hatte großen Einfluss auf die Kunst der Moderne.

Zu den bekanntesten Arbeiten Picassos zählt das präkubistische Gemälde "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" (1907) und das grossformatige Werk "Guernica" (1937), welches die Schrecken des spanischen Bürgerkrieges zum Thema hat. Ebenso das Motiv der Taube auf einem Plakat für den Pariser Weltfriedenskongress im Jahre 1949 wurde zu einem weltweiten Friedenssymbol.

Quellenangabe: Dieser Text basiert auf dem Artikel PABLO PICASSO aus der freien Enzyklopädie Wikipedia und steht unter der GNU-Lizenz für freie Dokumentation. Bei Wikipedia ist eine Liste der Autoren verfügbar.

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Features and remarks

Here you have the opportunity to purchase a limited edition colour lithograph based on a drawing by the world-famous Pablo Picasso.

The graphic was signed by Picasso by hand.

Carnival on the Côte d'Azur

Picasso loved the Côte d'Azur and had been visiting the French Mediterranean coast regularly since the 1940s, eventually settling there permanently. In 1955, Picasso bought the villa ‘La Californie’ in Canne, and in 1961 he settled in Mougin a little further north

In nearby Nice, the ‘Carnaval de Nice’ takes place every year in February. It is the largest event on the Côte d'Azur and one of the biggest carnival festivals in the world. Picasso, for whom jugglers, circus performers and clowns have been important motifs in his paintings since at least his ‘pink period’, celebrated in Nice and was repeatedly inspired by the colourful hustle and bustle.

Picasso created the drawing shown here at the beginning of 1961, using coloured chalk to draw a pointy-haired joker with large eyes. The drawing was first published in the newspaper Le Patriote on 2 February 1961 and later published as a limited edition lithograph by the famous publisher Mourlot.

Pablo Picasso authorised the print by signing it by hand. This is number 145 of 200 copies.

„ There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence transform a yellow spot into a sun.“

Pablo Picasso, 1957