Sell art


Instant independent access to the art market with free advice in every price range

Konstanze Wolter mit Petra Köpping bei e.artis

We help art owners to sell their art in the best possible way in the current art market by assessing the individual potential of each artwork in a collection and offering a tailor-made sales solution - in any price range.

We are specialized in fine arts of the 19th – 21st centuries.

"We recognize treasures in estates and inheritances of which the heirs have no idea what they are worth. But we value these objects in conformity with the market, develop a sales solution and can thus achieve unexpected success for the heirs." 

Konstanze Wolter

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Consignment: The procedure

These are the next steps:

Click the button now to save your free initial art sale consultation!

Ask for consignment

Submit art here, book a free appointment and talk to us!

This is how we present your consignment:

What our consignors say

e.artis processes the consignments, quickly, with great effort and highly competent. The presentation is excellent and very trustworthy. About the settings into the net and the sales is informed immediately, the billing is done without delay. Everything runs smoothly, the cooperation is a real pleasure.

Customer review

Because I am sure that the art sales go better than at normal auctions and the prompt unbureaucratic handling is exactly what I want, that's why the visually appealing e.artis is my is my first choice!

Customer review

Our consignments at e.artis are very well researched and professionally presented on the Internet. The settlements are honest and pleasing to both parties, especially for works that have been in storage with us for years.

Customer review

Consignment tours

We plan regular tours for the deliveries. Would you like to make your delivery free of charge on one of these tours?

Then please contact us optimally up to 7 days in advance for an exact scheduling.


Jan 7, 25

 Jan 8, 25

In planning: 



Frankfurt on the Main

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