#eartis4artists In Zeiten von Covid-19 leidet nicht nur die Wirtschaft, es leiden auch die schönen Dinge des Lebens, wie Kunst und Kultur. Besonders junge Künstler suchen nach Wegen, um auf Ihre Kunst aufmerksam zu machen und die Krise zu überleben.
Selling art as an artist
We help artists to make their art accessible to a new audience.
Sell art online as an artist
Interested? Just drop us an email at: artists@e-artis.de
Many young artists are looking for ways to draw attention to their art, we help!
Selling your own artwork? With e.artis auctions easy, fast and secure!
With us, artists can sell their art quickly and easily and at the same time attract the attention of a wide range of collectors, both nationally and internationally.
Draw attention to yourself and earn money in the process - without bureaucracy and with tailor-made contracts without the confusion of bidding. We offer the know-how of more than 10 years of experience in the online art trade, from which artists can profit at special conditions and without any stress.
We are highly professional, take first-class photos of your objects, create the presentation of the art on the internet and send it safely and well-packed all over the world. You can sit back and take care of other things.
You are a freelance artist? Apply with your CV and portfolio and sell your art online!
Find suitable works from your studio and deliver them directly to us! We will then sell them in our online auctions. This way you can easily enjoy a monthly income.
You can find more information and all conditions here.
Please also have a look at our current art auctions! Here you can see which artists are already selling their own artworks via e.artis auctions!