e.artis - this is us

Founder and Managing Director

This is our founder and CEO Konstanze Wolter.

Since her youth, she has been impressed by the human imagination, which is capable of creating things out of nothing. Technical inventions by individuals make our everyday lives easier and our lives safer. But it is the fine arts in particular that can bring us peace of mind, inspire our imagination and create in each individual his or her own imaginative world that enriches life.

In addition to the artistry and originality of the artist, it is the personal feeling and experience of the viewer or listener that constitutes art and its value for Konstanze Wolter. Her fascination with human creative power and creative art resulted in the founding of e.artis in 2009.

Art photographer

This is our photographer Frank Krüger at work: highly concentrated, he takes aim at each work of art.

What immediately catches the eye is his years of qualification in art photography. Photographing a work of art as close to reality as possible for various media while still capturing its aura is a science in itself. Our art photos are world class because we have Frank Krüger on our team. Lucky us!


Research Management

This is our Head of Research Roman Pilz at work: Passionately describing every last detail of a work of art.

What is not always obvious in our offers is his important work in the background. Preparing an offer, collecting and collating information, and doing detective puzzle work really takes up a lot of time. Our consignors rely on this meticulousness when selling their artworks, and art buyers also benefit from this through unrivalled detailed descriptions of our art offers.


Art History 

This is Tobias Heidler at work: cataloging and presenting works of art are his strengths. With a background in art history and graphic design, Tobias Heidler significantly enriches our team by describing works of art for our website. So that you can make the best possible assessment of what you are buying from your own location.

Art restorer

This is our restorer Paula Sowa, whose love of materials and technology makes her the best guardian of the works of art given to us.

Highly qualified studies in art technology, conservation and restoration of art and cultural property enable Paula to assess the conditions of artworks in detail and to conserve and restore them when needed and commissioned. Paula Sowa's mission is to preserve the good condition of a work of art for as long as possible, and she is truly passionate about this as part of our team.

Content Manager

This is our social media and content manager Sten-Niclas Wolter, who prepares our content digitally and posts it regularly.

Keeping a large website up-to-date and tidy doesn't happen on the side. It takes digitally savvy people with a thirst for action and a love of detail to maintain the content and keep our customers up to date on all channels. Anastasia is our master of update, so to speak.

Transport lock & assembly

Our packer at work: meticulously, but with visible joy, he secures each work of art for transport.

What many don't realize is the time and appropriate material he needs to pack. That a work of art arrives at the buyer's in one piece, safe and sound, as we describe it, and at the speed that the customer wants from online commerce, is a challenge in itself. But our packaging is like a gift, because he puts his heart and soul into it.



Customer support

This is our artificial intelligence Chatvin, which looks after our customers with machine-like calm.

Its job is to support all our customers, including internationally, on time and individually, and to ensure smooth purchase processing. The future is here!

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Du suchst einen interessanten neuen Job bei dem du deinKenntnisse optimal einbringen und dich entwickeln kannst?

Wir bieten ab sofort eine Teilzeitstelle im Bereich Vertrieb / Sales in einem wachsenden, innovativen Unternehmen des Kunst- und Onlinehandels mitten in Chemnitz an.

Sales Manager (m/w/d)

Arbeitsort: Einsatzgebiet abhängig von Wohnort

Deine Aufgaben 
  • Bestandskundenpflege 
  • Ausbau und Optimierung unseres Kundenbeziehungsmanagementes 
  • Akquise von Neukunden (online und offline) 
  • Führen von Vertrags- und Preisverhandlung mit Kunden 
  • Entwicklung, Durchführung und Auswertung von (online) Marketingkampagnen 
  • Umsetzung der Geschäftsziele und -planungen im Ressortbereich Entwicklungschancen hin zu eigenständiger Ressortführung mit Personalverantwortung 

Dein Profil
  • Abgeschlossenes Studium oder Ausbildung der Wirtschaftswissenschaften optimal mit Schwerpunkt Sales oder mehrjährige Berufserfahrung im Vertrieb von Luxusartikeln 
  • Ausgeprägte Serviceorientierung und Vertriebsaffinität 
  •  Fachkenntnisse im Kunsthandel wünschenswert 
  • Statistische Freude an Evaluierung 
  •  Schnelle Auffassungs- und Umsetzungsgabe, eigenverantwortliche und zielorientierte Arbeitsweise 
  • Sehr gute Kenntnisse im Bereich klassischer und digitaler Vertrieb 
  • Interesse an E-Commerce und Kunsthandel im Außendienst 
  • Sehr gute Englischkenntnisse 

Bewirb Dich und werde Teil eines motivierten Teams!

Wir freuen uns auf Deine aussagekräftigen Bewerbungsunterlagen per PDF an die E-mail connect@e-artis.de