Henryk Czesnik Wszystkich nas umilowal I (Dom wariatów z krzyżami) (1998)

  • Mixed media with collage on cardboard
  • Love and madness - The human body and God's grace
  • Important painter and professor from Poland
  • Framed and ready to hang


  • The artwork is available immediately and can be viewed at any time in our gallery.
  • Ready for shipment within 2 days.
  • Free shipping within Germany.
Product number: 34611
Category Malerei
artist Czesnik, Henryk
year 1998
Title Wszystkich nas umilowal I (Dom wariatów z krzyżami)
size 1 Image carrier 72,5 x 94,5 cm
Frame: 92,0 x 128,0 cm
material Oil, collage and graphite on cardboard
edition Unique
signature Titled at the top: Wszystkich nas umilowalLower right signed and dated: H. Czesnik 98
Provenance Private Collection Germany
The Painting is in a very good condition
Mounted in the frame.
Henryk Cześnik wurde 1951 in Sopot, Polen geboren.

Cześnik studierte an der Fakultät für Malerei der Staatlichen Hochschule für Bildende Künste in Danzig und absolvierte sein Diplom 1977 im Malatelier von Prof. Kazimierz Ostrowski.

Seit 2003 ist er als ordentlicher Professor tätig an der Kunstakademie Danzig. Er arbeitet als Maler, Zeichner, Bühnenbilder, Kurator und Schauspieler. Er ist Autor mehrerer Essays, unter anderem über die Werke von Jerzy Skolimowski.

Cześnik hat an mehreren Dutzend Einzelausstellungen in den wichtigsten Kunstgalerien, Museen und anderen Ausstellungseinrichtungen in Polen und im Ausland teilgenommen. Seine Werke befinden sich in den Sammlungen der Nationalmuseen in Warschau, Danzig, Moskau, Sofia und Dresden sowie in vielen privaten Sammlungen in Polen und im Ausland.

e.artis safety

Features and remarks

Here you have the opportunity to acquire an original painting by Henryk Cześnik from 1994.

The Polish painter is known for his expressive works created from the immediacy of drawing. Deformed human figures are a recurring motif in his works.In his works, Cześnik weaves his own and experienced stories into dark, atmospheric collages of image and material.

The multi-layered image on an old, repurposed cardboard box is contextualised by two titles and comments. At the top we read "Wszystkich nas umilowal" (He loved us all), which in Catholic Poland can certainly be equated with the love of God, and at the bottom right, somewhat less obviously, "Dom wariatów z krzyżami" (Lunatic asylum with crucifixes).

The stencilled figures are probably inmates of a "lunatic asylum" or a similar institution for the sick. We see them lying in bed, with their legs propped up or in a wheelchair.

Above this, domes and arches refer to the architecture of cathedrals, the house of God. A crucifix with the suffering Jesus is also indicated on the left.

The figures are only drawn in black and white - only the collaged image of an erotic woman painted over in red at the bottom right enlivens the scene.

„It doesn't matter in my work, the sense of time doesn't count, it's unimportant, the situation can take place a hundred years ago and maybe a hundred years from now, or maybe today. It doesn't matter, the most important thing is the atmosphere, the climate builds up my inner being, the situation I find myself in, this moment is important and decides everything.“

Henryk Cześnik